With support from

Lary Fary Cafe Náchod

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Reservation on phone:
734 416 343

Contact for job seekers:

Tel.: 602 679 798, e-mail: kavarna.nachod@pferda.cz

Opening hours

Monday: 12:00 - 20:00

Tu - Fr: 09:00 - 20:00

Sa - Su: 13:00 –18:00

How to get there

Hurdálkova 371

547 01 Náchod

Find on map


How is

Láry Fáry Cafe is a pleasant restaurant in the center of Náchod, where patrons are served by staff with mental disabilities and mental illnesses.

We strive for our cafe to be a pleasant meeting place. We are a non-smoking establishment with a children’s corner and extensive drinks menu. Here you will also find many goods produced by sheltered workshops and local artisans.


Láry Fáry Cafe in Náchod was established in February 2011 as the sixth project of the PFERDA z.ú. organization.


How is

Why we do it

The mission of the Láry Fáry 2 Training Cafe in Náchod is to employ handicapped people who cannot work on the regular job market. This promotes their social inclusion, independence, self-sufficiency and financial freedom.

We help employees with disabilities improve their work habits by having stable employment.

We help them become financially independent and live like the majority of society.

Why we do it

Get in touch with us

Jitka Hojdová Jitka Hojdová
social enterprise manager
602 679 798 jitka.hojdova@pferda.cz

Information for future employees with disabilities

Every prospective employee will complete an internship to enable all parties to determine whether the work is suitable for the individual.


Every employee of the Training Cafe has a classic employment contract with salary, knows exactly when to come in to work, whom they will be working with and who their superior is.


Information for our customers

You can follow the latest news about our cafe on our FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM pages.  


We provide facultative compensation

More than 50% of our employees have disabilities.

Employers with more than 25 employees are required to employ disabled persons accounting for at least 4% of their workforce pursuant to Employment Act No. 435/2004 Coll. This requirement can also be met by buying products or services from or contracting with entities specified in Section 81 (2)(b) of the Employment Act, i.e. entities that on average annually employ disabled persons accounting for more than 50% of their staff in sheltered workplaces, or from self-employed individuals with disabilities (hereinafter “suppliers”).


Facultative compensation is a simple solution to provide alternative employment for people with disabilities while at the same time expressing social solidarity in labor relations with respect to this vulnerable group.

When using our services it is possible to deduct costs as facultative compensation, more than 50% of our employees are disabled.


Principles we apply at the cafe:

We adhere to the principles of social entrepreneurship.


More than 80% of the staff at our social enterprises is disabled based on full-time equivalents.


These are predominantly people with mental disabilities and illnesses.


We promote the professional growth of our disadvantaged employees, each of which has an individual development plan to guide them when improving their work capabilities.


Our social enterprises strive to use locally-sourced products and ingredients and work closely with local suppliers and other organizations.


At least 51% of social enterprise profits are invested back into the social enterprise, or to support the social services of PFERDA z.ú.


We cooperate with local governments and other entities. We apply principles of environmentally-friendly production and consumption – we strictly sort all waste, save raw materials, and if anything is left over, we pass it on to others.


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