With support from

Support us

How you can help us

  • I want to donate
    Donate a financial amount.
    By making a one-off or regular financial contribution, you help us to implement and develop the work of the organisation.
  • Employ our clients
    If you can offer employment to our clients with disabilities, we would be delighted.
  • Use the services of our social companies
    Make use of the services of our cleaning company Láry Fáry or the Bakery Na Plechu to give work to our employees with disabilities.
  • Become a volunteer
    Become a volunteer in our services - if you are willing to give a piece of your time, it will come back to you in the form of the joy of a good deed, the enrichment of new friendships or experiences... You can volunteer in one of our services, but we could use volunteers to help us run the organisation - IT experts, webmasters, small maintenance workers and tradespeople, there are no limits to the imagination!
  • Let us know
    There may be someone in your area who you think could become a private or corporate donor to our organisation - put us in touch!

Thank you to all donors who provide financial or in-kind support to help us fulfill our mission. Thank you also for your interest in our work. We really appreciate it!

Contact us

Would you like to participate in our services and help us fund them? Contact our fundraiser, Iva Laštovicová, who will be happy to set up a meeting and tell you details about our centers.

Mgr. Iva Laštovicová
Mgr. Iva Laštovicová

739 014 802

I want to donate


* A donor - a natural person may deduct the value of donations from the tax base if the aggregate value of donations in the tax period exceeds 2% of the tax base or amounts to at least CZK 1,000. In aggregate, no more than 10% of the tax base can be deducted (see Section 15(1) of the Income Tax Act)

* A donor - a legal entity may deduct the value of donations from the tax base if the value of the donation is at least CZK 2,000. In aggregate, no more than 5% of the already reduced tax base can be deducted

Václav Neužil, ACTOR

They supported us



  • Dvořáková Katarína
  • Jana Jaklová
  • Manželé Dvořákovi
  • Manželé Halbrštátovi
  • Manželé Ondřichovi
  • Manželé Ondrušovi
  • Manželé Petanovi





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